Low wages: About 260 technical and physical security workers of UP go on strike
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The technical and security workers of the University of Prishtina and the Student Center have gone on strike from today (Wednesday).

This was announced by the head of the Private Sector Workers' Union, Jusuf Azemi, emphasizing that the cause of this strike is the low salary. Azemi told KosovaPress that the strike of technical and physical workers has started in all faculties and in the Student Center. Their total number is 260 workers.

Whereas, Bexhet Votaj, physical security worker, told KosovaPress that the reason for the low salary and that the 15 percent increase is not enough for them.

Riza Shala, representative of the Private Union of Kosovo, also wants better pay and conditions. Shala emphasized that the technical workers want to have equal conditions with the technical workers who are employed within the state.

Meanwhile, according to Azemi, the strike will continue tomorrow, while the strike strategy will be changed on Friday.

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