LDK member of the presidency Lushaku: PISA results prove the degradation of education
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1 year ago
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The member of the presidency of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Jehona Sadriu-Lushaku, said that the results of the PISA test speak of the degradation of the education system, as she said that these data are worrying not only for the Ministry of Education, but also for schools in Kosovo.

In a press conference, she said that MESTI has failed to organize the national tests, but also in the co-organization of the PISA test.

She said that education is not a priority of the Government because according to her MESTI has not taken any steps in the organization of schools.

The LDK official also said that the Ministry of Education has left the schools without a budget and that this complicates the way of organizing lessons, whereas as another factor in the state of education, she also mentioned the curricula, which she said are overloaded, for which she said have also increased the number of subjects.

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