LDK launches its election campaign, Hoti unveils commitments to governance
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4 year ago
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The Democratic League of Kosovo has launched its campaign for the early elections of February 14, through a video material in which the candidate for prime minister from this party Avdullah Hoti revealed his commitments and priorities for the governing mandate. Tonight at 00:00, the campaign of political entities for the February 14 elections, which will be held after the Constitutional Court's decision to overthrow the Hoti Government, has officially started. LDK’s candidate for prime minister in this election is Avdullah Hotin, who said that the program of this party offers concrete solutions and that the priority will be health, vaccination against COVID-19, health insurance, health information system and modernization of medical equipment. Another priority will be education, for which Hoti said that there will be an increase in participation in preschool education, reducing the number of students per class, implementing full-time education, strengthening vocational education, raising the quality of higher education and promotion of science.  
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