She is optimistic that Kosovo will join the Council of Europe by the end of 2024, while adding that an intermediate solution will be found to move forward with the association of municipalities with a Serbian majority.
The head of VV MPs, in an interview for KosovaPress, declares that the EU's current approach to dialogue is discouraging the parties to be more productive. She mentions the flattery that, according to her, the EU is giving to Serbia, despite the terrorist attack in Banjska and the violation of the Brussels agreement.
She emphasizes that the government does not agree with the draft statute proposed by the EU, therefore it has not proceeded to the Constitutional Court. Kusari-Lila believes that a solution can be found, where the statute of the association is an authentic document of the Kosovar side, which, as she says, will be done in coordination with international allies.
Regarding the closure of six units of the Postal Savings Bank of Serbia in the north, she says that it was done because of the extent of sovereignty and legitimacy in that part, as she expresses her surprise with the international reaction regarding the issue of the dinar.