Kurti meets with Congressman Bill Keating
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2 year ago
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Prime Minister Albin Kurti has met with Congressman Bill Keating, who is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US Congress, and the Armed Services Committee, whom he thanked for the United States's contribution to Kosovo in all periods. state-building. Speaking about the one-year achievements of the Government, Prime Minister Kurti stressed the reforms in the field of rule of law, uncompromising commitment against crime and corruption, which have influenced to move up Kosovo's position in the global Transparency International index for 17 places, growth double-digit economic growth, customs revenues and foreign direct investment. Among the priorities of the Government, the Prime Minister emphasized the increase of support and budget for the Kosovo Security Force. The support of the Security Force, according to the Prime Minister, is necessary in order for our country to have a well-trained army equipped with the standards of modern armies of NATO countries, to be ready to defend the country and to contribute to global peace, security and stability. "Last year we had 330 soldiers of our army who participated in Defender Europe 21, which was the largest NATO military enterprise in Europe, while the KSF became part of the US military peacekeeping mission in Kuwait," he said. Prime Minister Kurti. He praised the great contribution of the United States in building the capacity of the KSF and expressed the commitment of the Government of Kosovo to further strengthen the strategic partnership and cooperation with the United States, as the greatest friend and ally of the state and the people of Kosovo.
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