Kurti casts his vote in the LVV elections: It is a day of democracy
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2 year ago
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The biggest party in Kosovo is holding its internal elections today. From 10:00, the polling centres in the Vetëvendosje Movement and 46 polling stations in Kosovo have been opened, in which the members of this party will be able to vote for the party chairman, the women's forum chairperson, and other structures.

The current chairman, who is also the prime minister, Albin Kurti, is running for a four-year term and has no opposition candidates.

Kurti, during a statement to the media, said that today is the day of democracy where each member of this entity will be heard.

The Prime Minister of the country said that the level of the centers will also have new structures for women and youth, while he added that in the framework of the progressive direction, they will make the organization even more powerful.

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