This is what the senior researcher at the Institute for Studying Hybrid Warfare “Octopus”, Gurakuç Kuçi, says in an interview for KosovaPress, as he talks about the tactics that Serbia is using to harm the state of Kosovo.
Kuçi emphasizes that Vucic will not try to come to Kosovo without permission, because he is aware that he cannot do such a thing. Meanwhile, regarding the placards in the north with the inscriptions "Welcome commander" and others of this type, Kuçi says that they are done to rise the Serbian ultra-nationalism, in case of any action, to have support from the masses for their actions against Kosovo.
In addition to these, during the interview Kuçi shows that Serbia is committed to arrest certain persons from Kosovo from time to time, claiming that they have committed war crimes. Kuçi says that Serbia is doing these actions to take revenge for the recent espionage arrests.For KosovaPress, the senior researcher at ‘Octapus’, Gurakuç Kuçi, points out that Serbia's espionage is part of international crime and has been created by criminals since its beginnings.
He adds that Serbian spies are in Kosovo, before and during the 90s, but he shows that they remained even after the war. At the very end, Kuçi commented on the inscriptions in the north "Welcome Commander", for which he says that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, cannot enter Kosovo without permission and that he will not try to come.He stated that these banners and others like them are serious and well-thought-out issues of Serbia to raise ultra-nationalism, thus gaining the support of the Serbian people for actions against Kosovo.