Kryeziu: Kosovo's constitution is the most advanced in Southeast Europe
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9 month ago
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The professor of constitutional law, Kadri Kryeziu, says that the Constitution of Kosovo is the most advanced in Southeast Europe. On the day of the highest political and legal act of the state, Kryeziu, who is also one of the drafters of the Constitution, says that this document was drafted to be long-lived in Kosovo. According to him, the main gap in the Constitution is when the goals of the majority cannot be achieved, due to the compromises that have been made for the Serbian community and the double vote in the Assembly of Kosovo.

The former judge in the Constitutional Court, in an interview for KosovaPress, also accuses the Kurti government of having a tendency to violate the Constitution several times through the laws.

According to him, there is no special mechanism for implementing the decisions of the Constitutional Court, but he says that based on Article 116 of the Constitution, the authorities who do not implement the decisions commit a criminal offense.

Speaking about the number of draft laws that the Constitutional Court overturned during the Kurti administration, Kryeziu calls for greater care in their drafting.

As for the risk of establishing the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority, with executive powers and over the country's Constitution, Kryeziu says that no such provision can be approved in the Constitutional Court.

The Constitution of Kosovo was approved on April 9, 2008, two months after the declaration of Kosovo's Independence. /E.Zeqiri/

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