KRCT requests the review of the indictment for the nurses who physically abused the elderly woman in Peja
The Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture
Victims (KRCT) has reacted after the indictment regarding the case that
happened in the Home for the Elderly in Peja, when an elderly resident of this
home was physically abused by the staff of this home, calling on the Basic
Prosecution Office in Peja and the Basic Court in Peja to review this
indictment and requalify the criminal offense, because the violence used
against the elderly woman was committed in an institution licensed by the
institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and the persons who have exercised
violence against the elderly women were employed in that institution.
According to the announcement of the Basic Prosecution Office in Peja, an indictment has been filed against 3 nurses of this home for the criminal offense "Assault", of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo...