KRCT: Kosovo does not have a special institution for the detention of persons with mental disorders
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Kosovo does not have a special institution for the detention of persons with mental disorders. The busiest institution is the Detention Center in Pristina, due to its proximity to the Basic Court in Pristina. This is what is said in the report for the year 2023 of the Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims. Based on the monitoring of this organization, it is said that during the last year there was an increase in the number of cases of injuries and self-harms.

The director of KRCT - Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims, Feride Rushiti, mentioned the first case of compensation for sexual violence in Dubrava prison in 2014.

This monitoring report, Rushiti added, serves to generate concrete actions from decision-making institutions.

In the presentation of this report, Fatmire Haliti from KRCT, said that they have conducted 19 monitoring visits.

There has also been an increase in the number of injuries and self-harms of prisoners in correctional centers.

The treatment of persons deprived of liberty, Deputy Minister of Justice, Blerim Sallahu said that it is regulated in accordance with international standards of criminal justice and human rights. He said that they are working to create legal conditions for imprisoned persons to be treated with dignity.

The Director of the Correctional Service of Kosovo, Ismail Dibrani emphasized that there is a substantial increase in the budget of Kosovo.

In the KRCT’s report on human rights in correctional institutions, it is stated that the prisoners interviewed were mostly satisfied with the food served. Also, it is emphasized that the three meals are served in common halls. /Sh. Pajaziti/

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