Kraja: Kadare has done more than all the institutions of the Albanian state together
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The writer Ismail Kadare has done more than all the institutions of the Albanian state together, said the president of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo (ASAK), Mehmet Kraja. At the commemorative meeting in honor of Ismail Kadare, he said that his voice in support of Kosovo has created an international political context. Kosovo academics have praised his activity, where it was emphasized that Kadare's work influenced the emancipation of Albanian literary expression.

At the commemorative meeting in honor of the writer Ismail Kadare, the president of ASAK, Mehmet Kraja said that Ismail Kadare has been a persistent and unreserved support for Kosovo.

Furthermore, Kraja added that Kadare was part of the Kosovar identity and that the values of his works lie in the foundations of Kosovo.

At the commemorative academy organized by ASAK, academician Sabri Hamiti said that with the translation of Ismail Kadare's works, he has gained the status of a great writer.

Academician Rexhep Ismajli also said that the writer Ismail Kadare with his works influenced the emancipation and urbanization of Albanian literary expression.

The writer Ismail Kadare died on July 1 and today in Albania a state farewell ceremony is being organized. /Sh. Pajaziti

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