Kosovo without a social fund, requests for its establishment have not been answered
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3 year ago
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Kosovo still does not have a social fund, a fund which would help the persons who, against their will would terminate their employment, and this would facilitate the period until finding a new job. This fund, in other countries where it is in function, serves to alleviate the current economic crisis by not endangering the well-being of an able-bodied person, but at the same time it also supports employment.
The Independent Trade Union of the Private Sector of Kosovo (ITUPSK) has been one of the workers' representative organizations which has officially addressed the request to the Assembly of Kosovo, but also the Prime Minister and the President, to establish this fund.
The President of ITUPSK, Jusuf Azemi, told KosovaPress that this fund could serve even in fatal cases when an employee dies at work.
"We have asked to have a social fund, which in extraordinary cases, such as when workers who may be out of the work process for a period due to injuries, or when many workers have lost their lives in their work place, which we hope will not happen again, for these families to have a symbolic support until it comes to the decision of the court, to determine the guilt of the owner or employee, and we wanted that during this period when the families are left without their loved one no t to be left without a social support, as the vast majority who lose their lives in their workplace are poor (construction) workers, and they are forced to climb 10, 12 or 15 floors, who endanger their health and life in order to help their families", said Azemi.
Despite the fact that the request for the establishment of this fund was sent to the main institutions, Azemi says that they have not received any response, whether positive or negative, saying that the lack of any response indicates disinterest on the part of the state in relation to this issue.
"We have not received an answer, we have asked for an answer, why this fund is not being made, at least to have an answer, if there is a reasonable reason we can agree, but still more serious is that we even the request we made is not returned, whether it is legitimate or not, it is reasonable or not reasonable, this is even more serious, because as I said, there are elements if we can not do this fund, we can say that it can be done after a month, two months, after a year, after two years. According to us, it seems that they are not interested in dealing with this issue at all", said Azemi for KosovaPress.
However, the co-operation between unions and institutions seems to have waned, especially after long-distance debates between officials and representatives of organizations representing workers. This is what Azemi himself claims, saying that the cooperation with the executive is zero.
"Our cooperation is not at the right level, not even close, since, we have several times formally requested to meet and talk about the problems we have, but we have not met so far, neither with the Prime Minister, nor with the Minister of (Finance,) Labor and Transfers, who is the locomotive of solving the problem of the private sector. When we talk about law and safety on health, there is the agreement and other laws, but we are not satisfied, we can say that the cooperation between the union and the Government is equal to zero", said Azemi.
The President of the Independent Trade Union of the Private Sector of Kosovo said that the situation with employment contracts for workers has not improved, adding that in gastronomy continues to be the highest number of those who work without employment contracts.