Kosovo to accelerate the approval of the National Energy and Climate Plan
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According to a study by the Institute for Security and Resilience - Prevent, on natural disasters and challenges caused by climate change, it appears that Kosovo does not have the institutional capacities to cope with these climate changes that are occurring every day.


According to this report, some of the main threats faced by society and institutions in Kosovo from climate change are frequent floods, which have caused significant damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and residential buildings.

Andi Batusha, a researcher at the Institute for Security and Resilience – Prevent, emphasized that there is no proper inter-institutional coordination and that, in his opinion, there is a low level of public awareness in efforts for climate sustainability.

Batusha recommends speeding up the approval of the National Energy and Climate Plan.

“Kosovo does not have the institutional capacities to cope with these climate changes. We have response systems that are lacking in the sense that there are no sufficient resources and capacities. Weak inter-institutional coordination. Low public awareness in efforts for climate sustainability. One recommendation is that Kosovo should accelerate the approval of the national energy and climate plan,” said Batusha.

Meanwhile, Adea Kondirolli from Open Society Foundations Western Balkans added that this document outlines the steps the state needs to take to address this issue.

“At this conference, it is important to mention whether our institutions are ready to manage this natural disaster happening due to climate change and whether we have clear mechanisms to manage it. This document is not just a confirmation of the current situation, but the steps that we as a state need to take to deal with this issue,” added Kondirolli.

This report aims to analyze the capacities of Kosovo institutioons responsible for preventing and responding to the consequences of climate change. /A.Shala/

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