Kosovo Police in the north have been attacked again
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2 year ago
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Kosovo police have been attacked again in the village of Zupç in Zubin Potok. This was confirmed by the police spokesman, Baki Kelani, while he indicated that the attack took place in the early hours of the morning. In a response to KosovaPress, Kelani said that the police officers were not injured. "Today in the early hours of the morning, we confirm that a border patrol unit was attacked in the village of Zupce in Zubin Potok. Regarding the case, all immediate police actions were taken, where police units from the Zubin Potok police station came to the scene, which confirmed that the border unit was attacked with firearms, except for material damage to the vehicle, no officials were reported injured ", said Kelani. He said that the Kosovo Police, in cooperation and coordination with the judiciary is taking all necessary investigative actions regarding the case, while increasing police measures in order to ensure the safety of police officers and citizens.
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