Kosovo is the host of the conference of the Supreme Courts of Europe
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8 month ago
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The Supreme Court of Kosovo today welcomed the 14th conference of the Chief Justices of Central and Eastern Europe, which was organized together with the CEELI Institute and with the support of the Kosovo Judicial Council and the USAID.

In his speech, the president of the Supreme Court, Fejzullah Rexhepi, said that this conference is a good opportunity for the exchange of ideas and cooperation between the highest judicial levels, both local and international.

Meanwhile, speaking about the importance of the independence of the judiciary, Rexhepi said that such a thing is the basis of a functional democracy.

He called for efforts to protect this independence, as according to him, this should not be taken for granted.

Furthermore, Rexhepi added that there are some cases of power interference, such as the reduction of salaries for judges and the statements of the members of the government on the issues that are under consideration in the courts, which he said present unacceptable pressure in relation to the work of the judiciary.

Also the president of the Constitutional Court, Gresa Caka Nimani, said that the independence of the judiciary is the basis of the rule of law.

The founder of the CEELI Institute, Homer E. Moyer emphasized that strengthening the rule of law is important for the country.

Praising the achievements of the region's countries in the area of rule of law, Moyer said that 35 years ago the Balkan region was under authoritarian governments, but now two-thirds of the countries now rank at the top of the global index of the rule of law.

The senior district judge, John Wolker, said that in today's discussion based on five selected topics, he expects the participants to discuss the challenges of the judicial system in the country. /Sh. Pajaziti

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