Kosovo continues to improve in the Corruption Perceptions Index
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2 year ago
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The Democratic Institute of Kosovo (KDI) has today published the results of the Corruption Perception Index for 2022, this research is conducted by Transparency International on an annual basis.

The evaluation was done for 180 countries of the world, in which case, Kosovo was evaluated with 41 points and was ranked 84th out of 180 countries of the world.

"For the year 2022, Kosovo is ranked 84th out of 180 countries in the world. This result reflects a continuous and encouraging trend of Kosovo's improvement in this index compared to previous years. In relation to the other countries of the Western Balkans, Kosovo ranks second after Montenegro, while leaving behind North Macedonia with 40 points, Albania and Serbia with 36 points each, and Bosnia and Herzegovina with 34 points. However, it is worth noting that Kosovo still remains far from the average of the European Union, which has an average of a total of 66 points", said Eugen Cakolli.

He stated that for the year 2022, the results of the index show that most of the countries in the world have made little progress in fighting corruption, causing two thirds of the countries in the world to be below the acceptable average of 50 points, where it belongs and Kosovo.

The assessment is made from 0 to 100 points, 0 means a very high level of corruption, while 100 points means a society and state without corruption.

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