Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia sign an agreement on the common protected area 
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2 year ago
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The Minister of Infrastructure, Liburn Aliu and the Minister of Tourism and Environment in the Government of Albania, Mirela Kumbaro and the Minister of Environment in the Government of North Macedonia, Naser Nuredini, have signed in Tirana the memorandum for the creation of a common protected area between of the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Kosovo and North Macedonia, which includes Korab-Koritnik, Sharr, Mavrova and Sharr Mountain, all this to give more life to the largest cross-border park in Europe with an area that exceeds 240 thousand hectares.

Aliu wrote on Facebook that they are convinced that an international agreement is essential for the preservation of exceptional environmental, economic, scientific, cultural and aesthetic values for current and future generations, with the main goal of developing, promoting, managing and preserving our transboundary protected areas.

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