KOMF warns institutions about the closure of social services
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9 month ago
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With the message "Services for children are closing", the Coalition of NGOs for the Protection of Children - KOMF, has called on the country's institutions and municipalities to take measures regarding social services since the latter are in danger of being closed due to the lack of institutional support.

The director of the KOMF, Donjeta Kelmendi, has asked the state institutions to draw up a plan to solve this emergency situation and draw up temporary measures for the functionalization of social services within the package for economic revival.

For the KOMF coalition, the fact that social services for children are heading towards closure is unacceptable and Kelmendi has called that this should be a state emergency for institutions in the country.

She described the extremely serious situation, making it impossible to provide services for a large part of the children, since the international projects have ended.

The KOMF coalition calls for essential services for children without parental care, services for children victims of violence, abuse and trafficking, children with disabilities who require support and treatment, need institutional support./F. Pelaj

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