KEK has not increased the price of electricity in Kosovo, KESCO buys from KEK one kilowatt for 2.95 euro
Despite the fact that the Electricity Supply Company (KESCO) has increased the prices of electricity tariffs for households by over 100 percent, the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK) has not increased the tariffs for the company KESCO at all. With the new prices, KESCO sells the electricity purchased by KEK 2.95 cents at 12.5 cents at the day rate and 6.75 cents at the night rate.
The prices of KEK, remain extremely low for KESCO, only 0.0295 cents (close to 3 cents) in 24 hours a day and night, whereas the prices per megawatt in the international market was 500 euros. KEK spokesman, Skënder Bucolli confirms for KosovaPress that KEK is not a party involved in price change processes by ERO and as a result the price of electricity to cover the consumption of Universal Service (KESCO) remain at the level current 29.50 euros per MWh (megawatts) or 0.0295 cents per kilowatt.