KAS: The unemployment rate in Q4 2020 in Kosovo is 27 percent
The employment rate in the Labor Force Survey for the fourth quarter of 2020 is 30.2%, while that of unemployment is 27%, according to the latest report of the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS). According to the results, two thirds of the population in Kosovo are a working age population. The working age population includes 15–64-year-olds. Within the working age population, the labor force participation rate is 41.3%. The highest employment is for men 44.8%, while employment for women is 15.8%.
Women are employed, mainly in the sectors of education, trade and health care, with 51.5% of them, while men are mainly employed in the sectors of construction, trade and production with 43.8%. The economic sectors, leading with employment, continue to be trade with 15.3%, manufacturing 13.0%, construction 11.1%, and education with 9.9%. While other sectors have a lower percentage in employment.