KAS shows the reasons for the extension of the deadline for the registration of the diaspora
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4 month ago
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The registration process for the diaspora was scheduled to end on August 31 of this year, but after complaints, the Government of Kosovo has decided to postpone this deadline until the end of this year.

More than 600,000 compatriots have completed the population census process, so far about 300,000 of them have been physically registered in the municipalities and over 300,000 more on the E-diaspora platform.

With the largest number of diaspora registered so far are compatriots from Germany, followed by Switzerland, Sweden, France.

The project manager at the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS), Ylli Shala, told KosovaPress that in addition to the online format, the KAS has sent an official person to the seven largest municipalities of Kosovo, who are assisting people who do not have sufficient knowledge in terms of technology.

According to KAS, the number of people living abroad is more than 600,000, therefore the postponement of the deadline helps them to become part of this important process.

Shala has announced that there are numerous requests from some associations in the diaspora, to postpone the population census for a longer time since they do not have enough information.

Shala calls on the entire diaspora to register on the E-diaspora platform, which takes no more than 5 to 10 minutes to log in: https://ediaspora.rks-gov.net/. /A. Shala/

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