Kamberi calls Serbia a fascist state: Prishtina and Tirana should be more present in the Valley
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1 year ago
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The only Albanian representative in the Parliament of Serbia, Shaip Kamberi, calls Shqirim Arifi, the mayor of Presheva, short-minded because of his statements that Kosovo should not interfere in the Valley. According to him, the official presence of Prishtina and Tirana in the three municipalities where Albanians live is vital. Kamberi asks Kosovo to draw up a state program for the Valley, while emphasizing that his priority as an Albanian MP in Serbia is the equal and proportional integration of Albanians in state institutions.

In the interview for KosovaPress, he also talks about the population census in Valley, for which he says that around 100 thousand Albanians have been counted. The chairman of the Party for Democratic Action (PVD) also mentions the dismissal of Ardita Sinani, and the participation in the parliamentary elections of Serbia with two Albanian lists.

The Albanian MP in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi, wants greater presence of official Prishtina and Tirana in the Presheva Valley. According to him, it is necessary that the institutions in the country prioritize the issue of the Albanians of Eastern Kosovo...

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