In the absence of a quorum, the meeting of the Investigative Committee for state reserves fails
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11 month ago
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In the absence of a quorum, the meeting of the Parliamentary Investigative Committee regarding the procedures for the supply and management of state reserves failed to be held, where the item on the agenda was the discussion about the documentation requirements.

Most of the opposition MPs were absent from this meeting, meanwhile, the Vetëvendosje MP, Driton Hyseni, said that he is doing his best to solve the issue of state reserves, while according to him, the opposition, by not being present at the meeting, is showing that it does not care this case.

On this occasion, the vice chairwoman of the committee, Valentina Bunjaku, reacted. She said that it is the first time that the opposition is absent from the committee meeting and that the opposition has been waiting for almost four months.

Whereas MP Salih Zyba has asked for evidence of the consistency of MPs in order not to be labeled on the basis of no responsibility.

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