Hoti: We are on the right track, but the measures for the second wave must be tightened
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Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti has warned of tightening restrictive measures to manage the second wave of the coronavirus. Although he said that the country is on the right track in terms of preparations for winter and that they have put the pandemic under control, the chief executive stressed that despite the pressure to release the masses, the lives of the citizens will be a priority. The head of government during a discussion with the directors of Clinics in HUCSK today promised a reorganization and restructuring in the health sector. Meanwhile he said the health workers will also have financial incentives. Hoti: We are on the right track, but we need to tighten the measures more "I believe that we are on the right path, I believe that the facility should start as soon as possible to get ready for autumn. I hope that the regular vaccination will start soon so that we have a protection for the chronically ill, children, and the most vulnerable groups ... Maybe we’ll have to tighten the measures so we can be prepared for the fall. I know that the minister has a lot of pressure from different groups of the economy and society. From sports federations, education, businesses and others, but for me it is extremely important to balance all issues. We must put the life of the citizen in the first place", said Hoti. The Minister of Health, Armend Zemaj demanded greater dynamism and responsibility from doctors, while he said that there will be additional reorganization to increase health services. "I have a commitment; we are doing a dynamic job. But this dynamism must be conveyed by all. We will increase this dynamism with accountability, performance and joint work in the interest of public health ", said Zemaj, Meanwhile, the acting director of the HUCSK, Valbon Krasniqi praised Prime Minister Hoti, saying that thanks to his government they have managed to manage the Covid pandemic 19 in the best possible way. He also indicated the priorities of the HUCSK and presented some of the claims to the government. Krasniqi: Our high priority remains to avoid and remove all waiting lists "We have taken this pandemic with the utmost seriousness since it began. Thanks to the commitment of the Government of Kosovo, your personal commitment, the continued support of the ministry and all other institutions we think we have managed successfully and in the best possible way the Covid 19 pandemic in Kosovo, ” he said. Meanwhile, the director of Emergency, Basri Lenjani raised concerns regarding the adaptation of the new emergency facility for Covid-19. Lenjani: Kosovo is not just Covid "My concern since the beginning of the pandemic has been that Kosovo is not just Covid. What will we do with life threatening medical illnesses and traumas!" said Lenjani. In recent weeks there has been a decrease in cases with Covid, in contrast to July and August.
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