Hoti: The conversation between Kusari and Radoicic in coordination with Kurti; the way for elections must be opened
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8 month ago
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The former prime minister of Kosovo, Avdullah Hoti, expressed his conviction that the telephone conversations of the head of the Vetëvendosje Parliamentary Group, Mimoza Kusari-Lila, with the terrorist Milan Radoicic were made with the full knowledge and coordination of the prime minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti.

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo, Hoti told KosovaPress that this situation is aggravated by the fact that the conversation took place at a time when Radoicic was already wanted according to legislation in Kosovo.

Regarding Prime Minister Kurti's claims that these conversations are fabricated, Hoti has called on the head of the executive to request investigations to clarify these claims.

On the other hand, MP from LDK, Avdullah Hoti insisted that Kurti should resign, since, according to him, he has already surrendered and is not able to complete his mandate.

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