Hasani: Kurti's conditions in the dialogue are for internal use only
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7 month ago
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The professor of law and international relations, Enver Hasani, says that the three conditions presented by Prime Minister Albin Kurti in the dialogue are fictitious and only for internal political consumption.

The former president of the Constitutional Court in an interview for KosovaPress says that the Brussels Basic Agreement and the Ohrid annex bring new unfavorable obligations for Kosovo, as autonomy is created for the Serbs in the north as well as extraterritoriality for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo.

However, he emphasizes that by accepting the agreement, the government will inevitably implement the commitments of Brussels and Ohrid.

Hasani says that the signing of the Brussels agreement does not represent anything to the international factor to increase the credibility between the parties. He adds that even the letter of former Serbian Prime Minister Ana Bernabiq sent to the EU does not determine the legality and obligations for the implementation of the agreement. Meanwhile, he also considers as impossible the request for the extradition to Kosovo of the person responsible for the terrorist attack in Banjska, Milan Radojicic.

Hasani criticizes Prime Minister Kurti for excluding the de-jure and de-facto recognition of Kosovo with the Brussels agreement and the Ohrid annex, as well as agreeing to enter into a dialogue process, which may never end.

He declares that the EU draft for the Association creates autonomy for the north, while adding that the statements of the governors that the association cannot be separated from the basic agreement are unstable, as he considers that Prime Minister Kurti has accepted an article within the Ohrid annex where it is said that the parties do not dictate the sequence of implementation of the agreement, but it is dictated by the European Union.

Also according to Hasani, the draft of the Association drawn up by the European Union does not even need a signature and seal and that it is not even a non-paper, as Prime Minister Kurti is considering.

Professor Hasani considers his request that this draft be sent to the Venice Commission by the EU as impossible and as a mockery.

Meanwhile, he expresses concern that Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe will be delayed after the failure to be included in the agenda in May.

In addition, Professor Enver Hasani is skeptical that there can be a change in the dynamics in the dialogue, despite the choice of new structures in the EU. Meanwhile, he considers it necessary to remove the punitive measures of the EU against Kosovo. /E.Zeqiri/

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