Haliti: PDK will be the winner of the elections, VV will not even win 200 thousand votes
The Democratic Party of Kosovo will be the winner of the February 9 elections, says the member of the leadership of this party, Xhavit Haliti. According to him, the PDK electoral campaign is being well received by the citizens, while he underlines that the ruling party, the Vetevendosje Movement, will no longer be in government.
In an interview for KosovaPress, he also talks about relations with the US under the Trump administration, the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, and giving testimony in Brussels regarding the murder of the prominent activist of the national cause, Enver Hadri.
"The interest in voting for the Democratic Party of Kosovo is much greater than in the previous elections… It is an extraordinary campaign. A campaign that I really did not expect to be so well received by the citizens. The results will be with very close differences between the three major parties and I believe that PDK will come out first," he emphasizes.
According to Haliti, the ruling party, the Vetevendosje Movement, cannot get more than 200,000 votes, despite their claims that they can get 500,000.