Guxo List MP reacts to PDK: President Osmani has had great achievements 
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2 year ago
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Guxo List MP, within the Parliamentary Group of the Vetevendosje Movement, Haxhi Avdyli has responded to the Democratic Party of Kosovo, for criticizing President Vjosa Osmani.

In the session of the Assembly, MP Avdyli said that President Osmani had great achievements during 2022.

"Since in the past week, some MPs were absent and didn't hear the speech of the president, I recommend you to listen it on YouTube and see the great achievements and meetings of the president with all the necessary actors of world politics, from President Biden to President Scholz and all the other presidents. Her work speaks and there is no need for us today to speak and present the facts", he said.

In today's session, PDK MP Eliza Hoxha criticized the role of President Osmani during this year.

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