According to her, there may be differences with President Osmani, as she considers that there is no need for the heads of state to always agree 100 percent on all topics. However, she emphasizes that all differences are surmountable and that such a thing is normal for a democratic country.
Gërvalla in an interview for KosovaPress says that the lack of coordination with Osmani regarding the letter sent to the Council of Europe, shortly before the meeting of the Committee of Ministers, was done for objective reasons and within a very short period, in order to use the last opportunity for membership in the Council of Europe. According to her, there was also coordination with Kosovo's international partners for sending the letter.
Despite this, the Kosovar chief diplomat says that the differences with the president are surmountable.
She adds that President Osmani is the leader of foreign policy and that the government and the ministry are its executors. Therefore, they are on the same line regarding the strategy and vision of Kosovo in foreign policy.