Frightening statistics; six people with heart attacks per day, 30-year-olds also affected
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2 year ago
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The number of patients affected by heart attacks in Kosovo has increased significantly. In the Cardio surgery Clinic, in the last three months, 561 patients with heart attacks, or 6 patients per day, have sought help. This disease is also affecting 30-year-olds, despite the fact that it is more widespread among older people. The reason for the increase in the number of people with heart attacks is suspected to be both COVID and the heat. Since the beginning of this year, over 3,000 patients have been admitted to this clinic as a result of heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases, while over 100 patients have lost their lives. The patients who are mostly treated for heart attacks are those over the age of 60, but young people are not excluded either. While the lack of beds remains a problem in the Cardiology Clinic. Fisnik Hima, cardiologist at UCCK, in an interview for KosovaPress, said that there is an increase in the number of heart attack cases, as there are admissions of patients from all over Kosovo.
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