Professor Milo made these comments in the context of an open lecture on the topic "The role of Albanian diplomacy in the Rambouillet Conference and during the NATO intervention in Kosovo", organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Kosovo on the occasion of the 80 - the anniversary of the liberation of Albania and the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kosovo.
In this lecture before the students at the Faculty of Philosophy, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Paskal Milo emphasized that the statehood of Kosovo has its roots in the war of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the Rambouillet Conference.
The Albanian diplomat, while speaking about the contribution of Albanian politics to the Kosovo issue during the war, said that despite international pressure to label the KLA as terrorist, the Albanian government has never done such a thing.The former Albanian minister, Paskal Milo, described the Rambouillet Conference as a dramatic moment.
Milo emphasized that without the support of the USA and Great Britain, the issue of Kosovo was difficult to realize. Meanwhile, the ambassador of Albania to Kosovo, Petrit Malaj, said that the Rambouillet Conference marks a turning point where Kosovo's efforts and aspirations for freedom and justice took concrete form in the eyes of the world.Meanwhile, Malaj said that the diplomat Milo has helped promote and shape national issues on the international stage.
In this lecture held by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Paskal Milo, the publicist Veton Surroi, Arsim Bajrami and other well-known professors also participated. /B.Ibishi/