Former Ambassador Bosch: I was against the Special Court from the beginning
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2 year ago
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The former ambassador of the Netherlands in Kosovo, Robert Bosch, has stated that he has always been against the establishment of the Special Court, and that it is strange how this very expensive court is continuing when the main reason for organ trafficking does not exist.

Bosch points out that this court should be an example and not keep people in custody for such a long time without any indictment.

He also talks about the initiative against this court by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama in the Council of Europe, but he fears that it will fail.

KosovaPress: The Special Court was created based on Dick Marty's report and allegations of organ trafficking. However, in the indictment against the KLA leaders, these charges do not exist at all. What do you think about this?

Robert Bosch: The Special Court, although I could not say it at that time, I was always against it, because I had of course to represent the Dutch government. But this Special Court was of course created, if there had really been organ trafficking, it would really have been horrible, if that had been the case, but as Williamson report says it was not the case, then it is still very strange to continue, since the European taxpayers are paying an enormous amount of money. And, probably there are crimes committed, but there are crimes committed in many conflicts in the world and there are no Special Court for every country. The worst thing we have seen was ISIS. Is there a Special Court for ISIS? These crimes that were committed there, according to me, they were the most horrific crimes that I can imagine. Therefore, I don't know why this court - this very expensive court - is still necessary if the main reason of organ trafficking does not exist.

KosovaPress: How is the evaluation of the international community for the work of this court?

Robert Bosch: I don't know, because I'm retired, I'm not that involved, so I can't say that much, I know of course this initiative of Rama, to bring this whole thing once more to the Council of Europe. I think it is a good initiative, but I am afraid that it will fail, because it would mean that the Council of Europe will have to say, we made a mistake. So, maybe it would have been better to come with a new resolution instead of criticizing the old report.

KosovaPress: What can the institutions of Kosovo and Albania do to create supervisory mechanisms for this court?Robert Bosch: I don't know if it is coordinated, but at least it is happening, Albania and Kosovo are working quite actively to do something about this court. I hope there is some coordination on this issue, I don't know. But as we know, the relations between the two leaders of the two countries are not one hundred percent good... which is also pity. Normally speaking, I think two years is the maximum for detention, when there are no indictments yet, then it should be stopped. Especially when we are dealing with an international organization like this, then it should be an example of how honest trials are being made. This court should be such an example and not put people in jail for such a long time, in detention for such a long time, when there is not even an indictment.

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