For two months, 60 cases for corruption, non-declaration and false declaration were processed by ACA to the prosecutor's office
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2 year ago
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The Anti-Corruption Agency only for February and March of this year, has processed about 60 cases to the prosecutor's office. The cases have to do with corruption, non-declaration and false declaration of assets of public officials, where among those who will face justice, are also high-ranking officials. The new director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Yll Buleshkaj, in an interview for KosovaPress, confirmed that in the cases sent to the prosecutor's office by this agency, there are senior state officials, as he pointed out, chief prosecutors, ministers, police directors, judges, and deputy ministers. Buleshkaj announced that so far about 50 percent of public officials have declared their assets in this agency, although there are still a few days left for declaration. "There are about 60 cases that in these first months of this year have been submitted to the prosecutor's office. What I can confirm is that there are about 40 in February alone, while now in March there are around 20 cases that were submitted to the prosecutor's office. The cases were mainly related to non-declaration and incorrect declaration of assets. Yes, she (Minister Rozeta Hajdari), is one of these cases… In terms of declaration, we can not go into much detail, we have potential cases of conflict of interest as a possible form of corruption or violation of the law, but what can confirm is that we only deal with senior officials and all cases which we have identified as a form of law violation that may have any possible element of corruption have been prosecuted. How many cases are there? I can not say the exact number, but in total there are about 60 cases, either for declaration or for other reasons (conflict of interest - corruption). Are they senior officials? The law forbids us to mention the names, because it is classified investigative information, ann investigation that must be conducted by the prosecution, we might harm the investigation. But there are also high-ranking officials, up to the level of assembly member, there are ministers, judges, chief prosecutors, deputy ministers, advisors, police directors, and others", said Buleshkaj. Director Buleshkaj said that by the end of the week, about 2,500 public officials have declared their assets, out of less than 5,000 officials who are obliged to declare their assets. "Less than 5 thousand officials are obliged this time to make the public declaration, there are about 4737. The process is going well, there are not as many declarations, as we expected at the beginning. However, as we get closer to the deadline, which is March 31, we have more declarations. So far, we have 50 percent of public officials, who have brought us the declaration of assets forms, which means there are less than 2500. If we compare it with previous years, we are satisfied so far. So far, we are not falling behind if we compare this year to the previous years, but we expected for the process to be concluded a little earlier in order to give some time to us, and the officials to themselves, for any possible correction until the end of the process declaration. It's bad for those public officials who have postponed the submission of declaration until the end, because we can make various mistakes, or any delay for some other reason that can happen at the last minute, and then these become the subject of fines that the law foresees," he stressed. Buleshkaj added that officials who do not declare their assets on time, until March 31, become subject to the criminal offense. "The law is very clear for those who are late (do not declare) become the subject of a criminal offense, there is Article 430 of the Criminal Code, where failure to declare in time or false declaration is considered a criminal offense. Unless they have a mitigating, objective circumstance which could exclude them from that measure, they will automatically pass into the hands of the prosecution, then the prosecution and the judiciary will then deal with the cases. The law foresees very clearly a one-month period for declaration or 31 days. ACA has been able to help those who are far from Prishtina, they can submit the form via email and do not need to physically come to us. On the other hand, those who are close should come directly to us and submit it in hard copy", he says. For the first time after a government decision, doctors and professors working in public institutions have been included in the category of public officials who have to declare their assets. This year, due to the release of measures for protection against the COVID-19 virus, all public officials are obliged to declare their assets in physical form in the ACA, except for those officials who are far from Pristina, they are allowed to submit their declaration electronically, by email.
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