According to the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, coffee, tea and cocoa prices rose by 11.3 percent in October, while flight tickets by 10.9 percent, reports KosovaPress.
According to the latest report of the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, financial services also increased by 9.1 percent, goods and services for the usual maintenance of the household economy by 6.2 percent, mineral water, soft drinks, juices from fruits and vegetables 5,1 percent.
Also, according to KAS, there was a price increase for alcoholic beverages by 3.7 percent, milk, cheese and eggs by 3.6 percent, meat by 3.1 percent, tobacco by 3 percent, clothing by 2.4 percent, bread and cereals 1.7 percent and hotel services 1.4 percent with a combined impact of these subgroups of 1.7 percent on the HICP."The overall harmonized index of consumer prices is higher by an average of 0.4% in the month of October 2024 compared to the month of October 2023. This is mainly explained by the increase in consumer prices in this period in the COICOP data groups -it: coffee, tea and cocoa (11.3%), flight tickets (10.9%), financial services (9.1%), general household maintenance goods and services (6.2%), mineral water, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices (5.1%), alcoholic drinks (3.7%), milk, cheese and eggs (3.6%), meat (3.1%), tobacco (3 .0%), personal care (2.9%), clothing (2.4%), bread and cereals (1.7%) and hotel services (1.4%) with a combined influence of these subgroups of 1,7 percent in HICP", reads the KAS report.
The report also states that a drop in prices is observed in the COICOP group: fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment by 14 percent, the purchase of vehicles by 3.6 percent, solid fuels, firewood, pellets, etc. 2.3 percent, shoes 1.9 percent, vegetables 0.6 percent and personal items 0.4 percent.