Firefighters protest, Beka: Our situation is alarming
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1 year ago
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Firefighters have protested as a sign of dissatisfaction for not meeting their demands for working conditions and not being compensated for danger pay allowances. The firefighters require an immediate solution to their demands, and 'threatened' the government with more radical protests if their requirements are not met.

The head of the Firefighters' Union, Muharrem Beka, said that the situation in which the firefighters work is alarming and requires an immediate solution. He said that they are waiting for the government to invite them to a meeting and they are obliged to make a solution.

Beka emphasized that neither the current government nor other governments have done anything for the firefighters.

Likewise, the head of the union, Beka, said that the firefighters do not agree with the government's decision to eliminate firefighters from danger pay allowances, according to him, the number of firefighters and the budget for 2024 should be increased.

The union of firefighters of Kosovo has marched from the parking lot of the Palace of Youth to the Government of Kosovo.

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