Experts on the energy crisis: The government should not delay the feasibility study for the restoration of gas production
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In the discussion "The future of gas in Kosovo", the Kurti Government was criticized for not solving the country's energy problems, while it was requested for the feasibility study for the return of the gas, not to be delayed.

The Executive Director of the Riinvest Institute, Alban Hashani, said that in the draft energy strategy, gas is briefly mentioned in the context of the gas master plan, which must be drawn up, but according to him, there is not much discussion about the possibility of lignite gasification, so only as infrastructure or regional gas network.

The executive director of KFOS, Luan Shllaku, has addressed criticism towards the Kurti Government regarding the gas strategy. According to him, the government has not made any strategy on this issue.

"There has been a lot of talk about what will we do this winter, a lot of talk has been about what strategy the new government will bring us, and in what way we see the solution of the energy problems in Kosovo, and I always have the impression that the main word was missing here. We have talked about coal, we have been talking about this for about 30 years now, and we have proven to talk about something that today in the world is at the top of the new developed paradigm, that is how to experience the energy developments in Kosovo, that is gas, and in the last 10 years we had a strategy, which was the 2018 or 2019-2027 strategy, which was a little more ambitious, and that strategy brought, among other things, the obligation that Kosovo definitely in the future count on gas and start preparing the gas infrastructure. Then the war in Ukraine began, and we waited for that moment when the government decided to come up with a new strategy, even though about eight years before the deadline of the previous strategy, this was a move that sent us a message 'so good', it wants to make a strategy that will go behind the last movements, it will bring something contemporary, but we didn't see anything, on the contrary, we saw that it was reduced", said Shllaku.

Shllaku appealed to the government not to delay the feasibility study for the restoration of gas production in Kosovo.

"Credible, global institutions have begun to document more and more that with the use of gas, among other things, we will improve many global, environmental parameters... Also, the government is clear that we have a crisis caused in the region, and this government says that we want to enter the infrastructure with the idea that we will use it for a very short time, use that gas infrastructure until we get out of the crisis, I think it is at least 30 years from now... Kosovo had the 2018-2027 strategy, where it is clearly stated that one of the main development paths is the construction of the gas infrastructure in order to move further, adequate legislation has been built, the Law on Gas, which the Assembly approved in 2016... Gas must be discussed in the first place with the experts as a very good opportunity, and from now on we should try to give all this information that the government says it never had, so, yes we have a law on gas... Kosovo has also entered region obligations to be one of the countries that are part of the regional gas movement... We are in a position, can a message be sent to the government, do not delay the feasibility study for the restoration of gas production in Kosovo", said Shllaku.

Whereas, the Executive Director of the Albanian Center of Strategic Studies, Geri Selenica, said that after 2028, Albania will export 20 million tons per year and will export 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas. He said that Kosovo should think about how to reduce coal pollution.

"The biggest energy potential that we have in Albania is oil and gas, and after 2028 Albania will export 20 million tons per year, and will export 5 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Whereas, our greatest energy potential is Kosovo's coal, which is the fourth largest reserve in the world... Potentially, Kosovo can produce 32 billion cubic meters gas per year... In Kosovo, we must think how to reduce coal pollution, not to remove coal. And if we look at the environmental pollution map, the most polluted countries, more than Kosovo, are Germany and Poland, precisely from coal. The issue is how to make the coal clean, which is done with the gasification that you had", said Selenica.

That the quality of lignite is extremely low and the composition of moisture and ash are not favorable in the production of electricity, said the senior consultant for environmental issues for gas lines, Sabit Restelica.

"The quality of lignite is extremely low and the composition of moisture and ash are not favorable in the production of electricity, whereas the presence of moisture is a greater cost which first requires its drying", said Restelica.

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