Events of September 26
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The judicial process continues in the case against Thaçi and others. (The Hague, time 09:00-15:00)

The Fourth Clinical Congress of the College of Surgeons of Kosovo begins. (Klan Arena, Prishtina, time 09:00)

The Committee on Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns reviews the draft work plan of the Committee for the autumn session 2024. (Kosovo Assembly, hall N-302, time 09:30)

Second day - Kosovo Peace and Democracy Summit. (Hotel "Emerald" Prishtina, time 09:30-17:00)

The Assembly of Kosovo holds a plenary session. (Assembly of Kosovo, time 10:00)

The Municipal Assembly of Deçan holds its next meeting. (Hall of the Municipal Assembly, time 10:00)

The Municipal Assembly of Gjilan holds its next meeting. (Hall of the Municipal Assembly, time 10:00)

The Chamber of Hospitality and Tourism of Kosovo organizes the table "Tourism and peace", on the occasion of World Tourism Day. (Hotel "Dukagjini" Peja, time 11:00)

The ZFD Forum, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany and Barabar Center, presents the research "25 years later: Dealing with the past in Kosovo". (Hotel "Grand", Barabar Centre, fourth floor, Prishtina, time 15.00)

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