Events of September 10
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The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Blerim Gashani, and the team of the "Celebrate with the Heart, not with the Gun" campaign will visit the Katana company, where they will visit the training grounds, stores where weapons are sold, etc. (Time 10:00-11:30)

On the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day, ‘Lifeline’ concludes the petition for the suicide prevention draft law. (Skënderbeu Square, Prishtina, time 10:00)

The Embassy of France launches the equality for all project together with the Jahjaga Foundation, CSGD and CEL. French ambassador Olivier Guérot, and former president Atifete Jahjaga participate. (Bubble Pub, Prishtina, time 10:00)

The meeting of the Committee for Public Administration will be held - announcement regarding the Judgment of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo for two cases. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, time 11:00)

The Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) publishes the evaluation report on the performance of the Assembly of Kosovo during the spring session January-July 2024. (KDI offices, "Bajram Kelmendi" street, number 239, Pristina, 11:00)

The Kosovo Local Government Institute (KLGI) publishes the analysis "Population Census: Impact on the Financing of Municipalities". (Hotel "Emerald" Prishtina, time 13:30)

On the occasion of the World Suicide Prevention Day, ‘Lifeline’ holds a panel discussion "Changing the narrative of how we talk about suicide." (Residence 17, Prishtina, time 15:00-17:00)

On the occasion of World Suicide Prevention Day, Lifeline lights candles as a sign of remembrance for the lives lost. (National Theatre, Prishtina, time 19:00-20:00)

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