Events of October 28
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The judicial process in the case against Thaçi and others continues. (The Hague, time 09:00 - 16:30)

The organization Let's do it Peja presents the " Monitoring report on the progress of the implementation of the revised water strategy 2023-2027" and "Action plan 2023-2025", as well as the summary of policies for the management of atmospheric sewage in Kosovo. (Hotel "Sirius" Prishtina, time 09:30)

The first flight to Amsterdam from Prishtina International Airport "Adem Jashari" is inaugurated. (Passenger terminal, PIA "Adem Jashari" Prishtina, time 10:00)

The Presidency of the Assembly of Kosovo holds its next meeting. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C-301, time 11:00)

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) organizes the book distribution ceremony for 30 municipal libraries, where over 600 titles will be donated to each of them. (National Library of Kosovo, Prishtina, time 13:00)

IPKO Foundation and Women in Tech Kosova launch the report "Kosovo women at the forefront of artificial intelligence and cyber security developments". (Hotel "Swiss Diamond" Prishtina, time 14:00)

The book "Amanete zemre" by the author Enver Petrovci is promoted. ("Dukagjini" bookstore, "Mother Teresa" square, Prishtina, time 18:00) Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians organizes a meeting with journalists where issues such as education, anti-gypsyism, women's empowerment, housing and efforts to prevent early marriages in the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities will be addressed. ("Boho" restaurant, Prishtina, time 19:00)

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