Events of May 14
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The "Hasan Prishtina" Foundation invites all citizens to participate in the peaceful rally in opposition to the removal of the name of the National Hero Hasan Prishtina from UP, - "Hasan Prishtina". ("Ibrahim Rugova" Square in Prishtina, 09:00)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, pays tribute on the anniversary of the massacres in Qyshk, Zahaq, Llabjan and Pavlan. (10:00).

On the occasion of Mental Health Awareness Week, the Ministry of Health organizes a Round Table, with the motto: "To do more for mental health", so you are invited to attend this activity. (Emerald Hotel, Prishtina, 10:00)

The closing event of the project "Health services for children and young people with disabilities" supported by the Regional Program for Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2), financed by the European Union (EU) is held. (Restaurant "Natyra", in Fortese of Rahovec, 10:30)

The Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports reviews the Government's decision no. 10/165, dated 12.10.2023 for the approval of the new Statute of the Public University "Hasan Prishtina" in Prishtina as well as Draft Law no. 08/L-301 for the ratification of the Agreement for the recognition of professional qualifications for nurses, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists and midwives in the context of the Central European Free Trade Agreement. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N204, 10:00)

The Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade reviews the Report with amendments to Draft Law No. 08/L-265 for the register of beneficial owners, as well as the annual report of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) for the year 2023. (Kosovo Assembly, hall N10, 11:00)

The Commission for Health and Social Welfare holds a meeting with representatives of the Medical Physics Service HUCSK as well as another meeting with representatives of Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo – KOMF. Assembly of Kosovo, hall N303, 11:00)

The Committee on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Victims of Sexual Violence During the War, Missing Persons and Petitions discusses in the Committee cases of domestic violence and gender-based violence; Invited: Competent representatives of the Kosovo Police for combating domestic violence. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N303, 13:00)

The Committee on Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns reviews the Draft Law No. 08/L-225 on Defense Agency for Intelligence and Security, with the amendment report of the Functional Committee on Security and Defense Affairs, as well as several other draft laws. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N225, 13:00)

The Committee on Environment, Food, Agriculture, Planning and Development reviews the Draft Law no. 08/L-241 for the Strategic Environmental Assessment, as well as reviews the Reports with findings on the properties of RTP (Radio Television of Prishtina) and the Technical Faculty by MP Milazim Salijaj-reporter. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N225, 13:00)

The Parliamentary Investigative Committee regarding the level of management of the working relationship of the members of the Foreign Service and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora determines the list of documentation. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N204, 14:00)

The Ministry of Economy, through the Kosovo Project for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, financed by the World Bank through the IDA loan and implemented by the Ministry of Economy, inaugurated the renovation of the Child Psychiatry Facility and the Intensive Psychiatry Facility. (UCCK, Child Psychiatry facility, 14:00) The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participates in the launch of the "Made in Kosovo" platform and corner. (Tech Park, Bërnica, Prishtina, 14:00)

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