The next hearing in the case against Gucati and Haradinaj - Closing statements will be held. (Specialist Chambers, time 09:30)
EdGuard Institute holds an information session about the recognition of prior learning. Representatives from the European Union, MESTI, the National Qualifications Authority and other stakeholders participate. (Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina, time 10:00)
The group of Advisors of the Vetëvendosje, Center Prishtina, holds a press conference. (Courtyard of the Municipality of Prishtina, time 10:00)
The USAID's “After School Support for Teens” Program (ASSET) / Support for Adolescents after Regular Learning in cooperation with the IPKO Foundation organize the award ceremony for the competition "Design Challenge 2022". (Hotel International Prishtina, time 10:30)
The Association of Sports Journalists of Kosovo will organize the annual awards ceremony for sports journalism "Ali Shala". (Hotel "Swiss Diamond", Prishtina, time 12:00)
The action for moving the kiosks on "Muharrem Fejza" street begins. Present at the inspection of the process of relocating the kiosks will be the mayor of Prishtina Përparim Rama and representatives of the neighborhood. (St. "Muharrem Fejza", Prishtina, time 12:30)
The Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade holds its next meeting. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C203, time 13:00)