Events of July 16
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The judicial process continues in the case against Thaçi and others. (The Hague, time 09:00-16:30)

The Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers and the Kosovo Fund for Credit Guarantees launch the "Window for Diaspora Investments." Prime Minister Albin Kurti, the US Ambassador to Kosovo, Jeffrey Hovenier, the Minister of Finance Hekuran Murati, and the Managing Director of KFCG, Besnik Berisha, will participate (Hotel "Swiss Diamond" Prishtina, time 09:30)

The Small Ring of the City in Shtime will be inaugurated. The minister of MESPI Liburn Aliu will participate. (Time 10:20)

The Committee for oversight of Public Finances reviews the Audit report for the Annual Financial Statements of the Air Navigation Services Agency (ANSA) for the year 2023. The representatives of ANSA are invited. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, time 11:00)

The League of Historians of Kosovo "Ali Hadri", branch in Deçan, holds a commemorative ceremony on the one-month anniversary of the death of Sylë Tahirsylaj, former director of the Hydrometeorological Institute of Kosovo. (Hall of the Municipal Assembly in Deçan, time 12:00)

The Parliamentary Inquiry Committee regarding the process of subsidizing the purchase of textbooks and teaching aids for students at the level of primary education, lower and secondary education for the school year 2023/202, discussion regarding the time dynamics of interviewing witnesses. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-204, time 13:00)

The announcement of the verdict in the case of Pjetër Shala. (The Hague, time 14:00-16:00)

The agreement between the French embassy in Kosovo and Anibari for the "Génésis" project will be signed. (Flo's Restaurant Peja, time 18:00)

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