The trial in the Thaçi et al. case continues. (The Hague, 09:00-16:30)
The Ministry of Health launches the Health Sector Strategy 2025-2030. (Hotel "Emerald", Pristina, 10:00)
The Municipal Assembly of Gjakova holds its next meeting. (Asim Vokshi Palace of Culture, Gjakova, 10:00)
The Regional Police Directorate - Pristina presents the annual report for 2024. (Assembly Hall in the Municipality of Pristina, 10:00)LDK candidate for Prime Minister Lumir Abdixhiku pays homage at the grave of activist Fadil Ferati in Gurrakoc, Istog. (11:30)
LDK candidate for Prime Minister Lumir Abdixhiku participates in the memorial academy dedicated to activist Fadil Ferati on the 15th anniversary of his passing. (Memorial “Ibrahim Rugova” Istog, 12:00)
AAK Coalition - NISMA - CONSERVATORS - INTELLECTUAL FORUM E30 - IDEAL holds an election rally in Ferizaj, Ujevara restaurant, 17:00)
The Vetevendosje movement holds an election rally in Rahovec. (Sports Gym, 18:00)
LDK candidate for Prime Minister Lumir Abdixhiku participates in the election rally in Branch IV. (Primary School “Xhemail Mustata” Prishtina, 18:00)
The Coalition for Family holds an electoral rally in Lipjan. (Restaurant "Veranda Mia", street "Hajradin Bajrami", number 11, 18:30)
The AAK - NISMA - CONSERVATORS - FORUMI INTELLECTUAL E30 - IDEAL coalition holds an electoral rally in Kacanik. (Restaurant Inex Petrol, 19:00)
LDK candidate for prime minister Lumir Abdixhiku holds a meeting with residents of Sibovc, Podujeva. (Cafe A 1, Sibovc, 21:00)