Events of February 2nd
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The European Union Special Representative for the Pristina-Belgrade Dialogue and Other Regional Issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, and the Special Representative for the Western Balkans, Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar, will hold an online press conference. (9:00, ZOOM) Echocardiography “Save the Day” workshop is held with doctors from Italy. (Peja, 09:00) The trial against Salih Mustafa continues. (The Hague, 09: 30-16: 30) The Committee on Human Rights holds a public hearing on the legal initiative for the Draft Law on Petitions. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-506, 10:00) The Committee on Legislation reviews in principle the Draft Law on State Bureau for verification and confiscation of unjustifiable property, the Draft Law on declaration, origin and checking of property and gifts, as well as the announcement of the competition for the election of members of the Kosovo Judicial Council. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-302, 10:00) The Committee on Budget reviews the report with amendments to the Draft Law on Amending and Supplementing the Law on Administration of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets of the Committee on Legislation. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-203, 10:00) The Committee on the Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns reviews the Draft Law on amending and supplementing the law on the administration of sequestrated and confiscated property, with an amendment report of the functional Committee on Legislation. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-303, 13:00)
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