Events of December 3rd
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The court hearing against Nasim Haradinaj and Hysni Gucati will be held at the Special Court in The Hague. (Time 09:30-16:00) The Committee on Security and Defense Affairs will be held, where the Minister of Defense, Armend Mehaj, will report. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N302, time 10:00) The inauguration ceremony of the Municipal Assembly of Rahovec. (Municipal Assembly Hall of Rahovec, time 10:00) Conference on the occasion of declaring 2022 the Year of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Kosovo "Equal opportunities for all". (Government Building, hall P38, time 10:00 -11: 00) The Mayor of Malisheva, Ekrem Kastrati, will hand over the keys to the beneficiaries of housing in the Social Housing Center for categories with serious socio-economic status and which have not resolved the housing issue. (Municipal Assembly Hall of Malisheva, time 10:00) The Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development (KIPRED) holds a press conference, where will present the findings of the paper "Kosovo Observer: Russian Diplomatic War and Media Misinformation, August 15 - October 1, 2021". (Hotel Sirius in Prishtina, time 11:00) The inaugural meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Podujeva will be held, where the mayor, Shpejtim Bulliqi, and the new members of the municipal assembly will be sworn in. (Meeting room in the Municipality of Podujeva, time 11:00). The Mayor of Ferizaj, Agim Aliu introduces the team of directors and the governing cabinet for the next four years. (Conference hall in the municipality of Ferizaj, time 11:30) The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of the Republic of Kosovo and the Albanian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Tirana, organize in Prishtina the scientific roundtable "The political future of Albanians". (Albanological Institute -Scientific Hall, floor II, time 12:00) The meeting of the Committee on Budget, Labor and Transfers will be held, where the draft law on budget allocations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for 2022 will be reviewed (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C203, time 16:00) The charity association "Orphans of the Balkans" marks the 12th anniversary of its founding, where the keys to 149 houses built for poor families in Albanian lands will be handed over. Present will be representatives of foreign embassies accredited in Kosovo, representatives of state institutions, mayors from Kosovo and Albania, as well as the Albanian MP from the Presheva Valley in the Serbian Parliament, Shaip Kamberi. (Home for the Elderly in the village of Gjinoc in Suhareka, time 15:00) NGO “You can do” in honor of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, organizes the "The Dark Dinner ", where invited guests will enter a hall without light where they will be accompanied by blind people and will be accommodated by them (Swiss Diamond-Prishtina, time 16:30)
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