Events of December 26
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The Research Institute for Economics and Finance (IHEF) holds the first press conference, where the executive director of IHEF, Fehmi Mehmeti (former governor of CBK) and the team of experts from the institute will speak. The topic of the conference will be "Economic priorities of the government for 2024". (IHEF, 'Luan Haradinaj' street, entrance 100, 4th floor, number 11, time 10:00)

The Initiative for Progress (INPO) will hold a panel discussion where the report entitled "Endemic problems of tendering and contract management" will be presented. The report is the result of the monitoring of 20 municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo. (Emerald Hotel, in Prishtina, time 10:00-12:00)

The Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party of Kosovo will submit another case for evaluation to the Constitutional Court. (Time 10:30)

The inauguration ceremony of the Water Treatment Plant will be held in the village of Dimce of Hani i Elezit. (Time 10:30)

The Ombudsperson Institution organizes the year-end conference with the media. (IAP central office in Prishtina, 4th floor, meeting room, time 11:00)

The Mayor of the Municipality of Rahovec, Smajl Latifi, holds a press conference regarding the one-year work, achievements and challenges of the Municipality of Rahovec. (Meeting hall in the Municipality of Rahovec, time 11:00)

General Kudusi Lame visits Plus Market in Ferizaj, where he will be informed about the market that boycotts Serbian products and the "PLUS" Tool Factory. The general will be welcomed with a performance by the ‘Kastriotët’ ensemble and many guests. (Time 12:00)

The Ombudsperson Institution organizes the year-end conference with the media. (IAP central office in Prishtina, 4th floor, meeting room, time 11:00)

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