Events of August 29
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The Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) holds its next meeting. (Judicial Council building, time 08:30)

The judicial process against Thaçi and others continues. (Special Court in The Hague, time 09:00)

The ceremony of signing contracts with the beneficiaries of the Balanced Regional Development Program (BDP 2024) will be held. (former Palace of Media - "Rilindja" (New Government Building), time 09:00)

The GAP Institute and Helvetas/DEMOS project, co-financed by the European Union, Switzerland and Sweden, organize the discussion table where the analysis "Budgetary planning of municipalities for the year 2025" will be presented. ("Emerald" Hotel, Prishtina, time 10:00)

On the eve of marking the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, a roundtable dedicated to persons disappeared by violence during the war in Kosovo will be held. (Government Building, Hall P38, time 11:00)

The municipality of Prishtina holds the ceremony marking the 34th anniversary of the visit of American senators headed by Bob Dole. ("Zahir Pajaziti" Square, Prishtina, time 15:00)

The Special Representative of Germany for the Western Balkans, Manuel Sarrazin, will hold a press conference after the official meetings in Prishtina. (Prishtina International Airport, time 18:00)

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