Events of April 5
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The Committee on Security and Defense Issues reviews the report with proposed amendments to the Draft Law on the Defense Intelligence and Security Agency. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, 09:30)

The Parliamentary Investigative Committee regarding the level of management of the work relationship of the members of the Foreign Service and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, draws up the commission's work plan. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-203, 10:00)

The Office for Good Governance/Office of the Prime Minister and the "Action for Health" Organization, within the framework of the activities to mark the World Health Day, April 7, organize the conference on the topic: "My Health, My Right". (Government Building, hall P-38, 10:00)

The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo and the Academy of Sciences of Albania organize the scientific conference "The role of the Bujan conference in the process of the state formation of Kosovo. (Hall of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, Prishtina, 10:00)

The Project of Strengthening Local Action for Climate, in partnership with Austrian Development Cooperation and UNDP Kosovo in cooperation with the municipality of Suhareka, starts the "Green Plate Day" awareness campaign. (Suhareka City Square, 10:00)

The plenary session of the Assembly of Kosovo will be held - parliamentary questions. (Kosovo Assembly, 11:00)

The ceremony for the allocation of grants to the beneficiaries of the Self-Employment Program implemented by the Kosovo Employment Agency in cooperation with GIZ will be held. Hekuran Murati, Minister of Finance, David Oberhuber, director of GIZ Kosova and Jehona Rexha, director of the Employment Agency of Kosovo, will be participating. (Government building, Hall P-38, 13:00)

International Roma Day will be celebrated. President Vjosa Osmani and Prime Minister Albin Kurti take part. (Kino Armata, Prishtina, 15:00)

The Second International Congress of Health Care Professionals will be held, organized by The Kosova Chamber of nurses, midwives and other health professionals. (OIK). (Hotel "Emerald", Prishtina, 15:00)

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