Student activists together with the Student Feminist Movement will protest demanding the dismissal of professor Xhevat Krasniqi and the members of the Ethics Council. (In front of the UP Rectorate, time 08:00-16:00)
The Committee for Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade will hold a public hearing on the challenges in the implementation of legislation by law enforcement institutions and public enterprises in the water services sector. The hearing is closed. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N506, time 11:00)
The Committee for Budgets, Labor and Transfers reviews the report with recommendations of the Functional Committee for Public Administration, Local Government, Media and Regional Development, for the Draft Law on the amendment and completion of laws containing special administrative procedures and their harmonization with the Law on general administrative procedure, the second phase, etc. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C203, time 11:00)
Cultural meetings "PENA E DRITĖS", in its second meeting, organizes the promotion of the masterpiece of the well-known historian Romeo Gurakuqi, "Albania and the Free Lands 1939-1946". ("Ernest Koliqi" library in Prishtina, time 19:00).