Dukagjini Epopee, Haradinaj: Albanians remained on their lands, Milosevic's forces fled
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On the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the "Dukagjini Epopee" and the 25th anniversary of the intervention of the NATO air forces against the military targets of the former regime of the butcher of the Balkans, Slobodan Milosevic, the municipality of Deçan has organized a central manifestation today.

The former commander of the Dukagjini Operative Zone of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), at the same time the chairman of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj has spoken about the importance of the glorious Epopee of Dukagjini. He said that with their liberation war, the Albanians remained in their centuries-old lands, while Milosevic's forces left.

Rifat Jashari from the family of the legendary commander of the KLA, Adem Jashari, gave an occasional speech at the central manifestation for the Dukagjini Epopee. He said that the bequest left between generations for the unification of the Albanian lands must be realized.

In his speech, the mayor of Deçan, Bashkim Ramosaj, said that with the Dukagjini Epopee, hope was born and that freedom had come despite the great price that Albanians paid in their fight for freedom.

The chairman of the Democratic Union for the Integration of the Albanians of North Macedonia, Ali Ahmeti, also participated in the demonstration, who said that after the great victory for freedom, Kosovo needs to move forward and finally acquire the physiognomy of an internationally accepted state.

The prime minister of North Macedonia, Talat Xhaferi, also gave a speech in front of the audience, who said that the support of the allies and strategic partners of the Albanians is essential and irreplaceable.

Meanwhile, the ambassador of Albania in Kosovo, Petrit Malaj, said that the future generations should once again commemorate the fight for freedom and honor the martyrs who gave their most precious thing for freedom.

On the occasion of the glorious Epopee of Dukagjini, homages were held at the Memorial Complex "Martyrs of the Nation" in Gllogjan, where the Speaker of the Parliament Glauk Konjufca, the Minister of Defense, Ejup Maqedonci, the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu and the Minister of Industry, Rozeta Hajdari were also present.

On March 24, 1998, a frontal battle took place in Gllogjan between the forces of the KLA and the enemy forces, which had surrounded Gllogjan, while their goal was the house of the Haradinaj family, where they encountered strong resistance. On this day, Him Haradinaj, Gazmend and Agron Mehmetaj were martyred.

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